Crochet / Pattern-as-you-go / Cardigan4
Cardigan Projekt-in-the-making No. 4 / Variation of crochet #brickwork pattern / learn how to crochet #Freestyle / Blog No. 4/H
Every pattern looks different in different widths and heights or colour combinations, and this is especially true for our chosen one, which is a variation of BRICKWORK PATTERN - shifted by one stitch in every row.
A narrow stitch repeat in MANY DIFFERENT COLOURS will give you a WILD possibly even psychedelic APPEARANCE.
The wider the stitch repeat and the less colours you use, the more uniform it will become. But even if you use less colours but place them randomly, with same or similar colours only once in a while, it will still be wild.
If, on the contrary, you place REGULAR COLOUR REPEAT rows in low number stitch repeat (4/5/6) the whole look will become more GEOMETRIC, in higher number sr (from 7/8 on) will look loose and dispersed.
So, your dwindling stock and the diminishing of the stitch repeat count determines the impression the pattern makes, because the look of the pattern too depends on how many times you place the same (or a very similar) color - every 4 rows is different to every 3 rows - and if you go to a 2-ROW ALTERNATION, you will achieve a completely different looking appearance -
like one side of a STEPPED GABLE or a staircase.
Unless you do the Kimono version, the look of your pattern will be influenced too by the decreases and increases, where you not only have to take care to do them in a regular way to a) assure the fit, but also in order to b) not to break the pattern too much. Using many many different colours the latter does not really matter, but the more regular the colour sequence is the more you will note de- and increases.
Blogs about about sleeve-increase and whole body-decrease will follow.
So, if you have enough yarn of every colour to last the whole garment through, go ahead with your swatches in the colour combinations you like most, and stick to it.
You can decide the overall look beforehand if you plan carefully even if you only have limited amounts of your single yarns, but never completely, as you cannot foresee when every single one will finish.
For me, THAT’s THE FUN of COLOUR-AS-YOU-GO: I do colour swatches for the overall impression, but the intriguity of the pattern is determined but the amounts of yarn I have to my disposition. And I like to use up completely all the chosen yarns, and most of all I like the SURPRISE EFFECT of the finished work.
It is INDISPENSABLE you do different colour-combination SWATCHES or a longer one in all the different combinations - see Blog about the subject to follow.
And the good news is - if the whole swatch is to your liking (and made with the right number of stitches for your chosen kind of it) you can integrate it into the belt!
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