Wednesday, 31 December 2014

A Happy New Year! / Schönes Neues Jahr! / Buon Anno Nuovo! / ¡Feliz Año Nuevo!

Together with all of you, and with this selection of winter jewelry, I would like to say Goodbye! to Christmas and 2014, and Welcome the new year 2015 !!!

Zusammen mit Euch allen möchte ich durch diese Fotos von winterlichem Schmuck Weihnachten und 2014 verabschieden und das neue Jahr begrüssen. Prosit 2015 !!!

Insieme a tutti voi, e con questa selezione di bigiotteria e gioielli invernali vorrei dire ciao! a Natale e 2014, e salutare il nuovo anno. Auguri 2015 !!!

Maybe somebody noticed that yesterday's post has disappeared - so sorry for the lost comments!!! Hope that was my last mistake of 2014.......;-)

Vielleicht hat jemand bemerkt, dass der gestrige Post verschwunden ist - entschuldigt bitte die verloren gegangenen Kommentare!!! Hoffe, das war mein letzter Fehler heuer.....;-)

Chi di voi avesse notato che é sparito il post di ieri - mi dispiace tanto per i commenti persi!!! Spero che sia stato il mio ultimo sbaglio di quest' 2014 non é ancora finito.......;-)

                                                                  HAPPY  2015 !!!    

EIN SCHÖNES  2015 !!!

UN FELICE 2015 !!!

FELIZ 2015 !!!

Saturday, 27 December 2014

AfterChristmas Look of the Lace Skirt

As space in our car is limited, and though we use a relatively big utility vehicle to reach our holiday home in the Italian Dolomite Mountains, after loading it with food, Christmas presents, all the wool I intend to work, and our two cats, there is barely space for me. Thus I have to use my Christmas skirt from the last posts ( here and here )  in as many variations as possible.
I keep a basic wardrobe here, mainly Austrian style skirts and jackets, and casual wear, but nothing formal or casual chic. Some of you maybe already know of my eternal love-story with cashmere sweaters, which I use in any season (even have some loose knit ones for summer). And for the skirt of the last posts, this wrap style sweater fits perfectly.
I also brought  a lot of different costume jewelry  for variations

Jadeite bead bracelet, and 1940' hollow silver gilt floral bangle

Jadeite and hard stone bead necklaces

Baltic amber flowers and leaves necklace and earrings

African carved hardwood beads

Wooden bangles (the lighter one is leather covered)

tiger eye necklace - a present from me when I was a child to my grandmother, which I love to wear in her memory

Sunday, 21 December 2014

Military Lace Skirt - The Right Perspective :)))) English / Deutsch / Italiano

The lace skirt of the last post, here with a polyester/silk faille shirt in military green.
This is the occasion to show the award orders that we merit!

Der Spitzen - Rock vom letzten Post, hier mit einer khakifarbenen Rips-Bluse.
Die beste Gelegenheit, uns mit jenen Auszeichnungen zu schmücken, die wir verdienen!!

La gonna di pizzo dell'ultimo post, con camicia in gros grain. E già che i colori sono militari, sfruttiamo l'occasione per esporre le onorificenze che ci meritiamo!!

left award order of the Republic of Romania, 1950', found on a flea market
right rhinestone brooch, 1970'

links Orden der Rumänischen Republik, ca. 1950, vom Flohmarkt
rechts Strass-Brosche, 1970'

a sinistra onorificenza della Romania, ca. 1950, trovato a un mercatino
a destra spilla di stras, anni '70

Skirt / Rock / gonna: Albino Moretti
Shirt / Bluse / camicia: S'Max Mara
Belt / Gürtel / cintura: Fausto Colato

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Dressing for Christmas Eve / Am Hl. Abend / La Vigilia

Like it is custom in my country of origin (Austria), the Holy Child deposits the presents under the Christmas Tree in the evening of the 24th. Ok, my son is grown up now, but he still clings to the old habits!!  So I try to pack as many parcels as possible (apart from the main presents all kinds of sweets, chewing gum, socks...) just to have him there sitting on the floor, unpacking for quite some time and distributing  the contents.
We don't really dress elegantly, just casual chic to be comfortable, so one of my last finds, a midi length floral lace skirt - in military camouflage print - will do nicely.

Com'é abitudine nella mia patria (Austria) Gesù Bambino porta i doni la sera del 24. Va bene, mio figlio e grande adesso, ma ciononostante ci piace unirci intorno all'albero, con lui seduto sul pavimento, aprendo i pacchi. Per tirarlo alla lunga a parte i regali veri incarto tutto quello che mi capita sottomano, dolci, molti pacchetti di liquirizia (che gli piace tanto), chicche,  tante paia di calze che nessuno mette mai perché sono già troppi.....
Non ci vestiamo proprio elegante, più casual chic, così posso usare una delle gonne che ho comprato nei ultimi mercatini - é di pizzo floreale, lunga fino alla caviglia - in disegno mimetico militare.

Obwohl ich jetzt in Mailand lebe, wo die Weihnachtsgeschenke am Morgen des 25. ausgeteilt werden, findet die Bescherung bei uns am Abend des 24. unter dem Weihnachtsbaum statt. Mein Sohn ist zwar schon erwachsen, feiert aber Weihnachten nach wie vor mit uns und hält an den alten Gewohnheiten fest. Das bedeutet, wir setzen uns rund um den Baum, er darunter auf den Fussboden, öffnet alle Geschenke und teilt sie aus. Um dieses Ritual schön in die Länge zu ziehen packe ich ausser den richtigen Geschenken so viele Dinge wie möglich ein (Süßigkeiten, Kaugummi, Socken die für einen Tausendfüßler reichen würden etc.)
Wir ziehen uns eher bequem als richtig elegant an - die ideale Gelegenheit für eine meiner letzten Erwerbungen, einen knöchellangen Spitzen-Rock - in militärischem Tarnmuster.

Elegant styling: Silk blouse with ruffles. Anyone owns a classic Chanel jacket in military green? Would be perfect!! No??? Me too - so I opt for a similar one by Rena Lange (left) or a gold and cream vintage one by Mila Schön (1980')

Elegantere Variante: Cremefarbige Seidenbluse mit Rüschen am Ausschnitt. Hat vielleicht jemand eine militärgrüne klassische Chanel-Jacke? Würde super dazu passen! In Ermangelung dieser tuts auch eine von Rena Lange (links) oder eine gold- und cremefarbene (Vintage Mila Schön, rechts)

Styling più elegante: Camicia di seta avorio con ruches. Avete per caso una classica giacca Chanel in verde militare? No??? Nemmeno io, ma basta anche questa di Rena Lange (a sinistra), o una in oro/crema (Mila Schön, 1980', a destra)

More practical: Top in knitted silk

Un po' più pratico: Golfino in maglia di seta

Ein bisschen praktischer: Pullover aus Seidenstrick

Sweet accessory: 1940' enamelled mesh bag by Whiting&Davis

Molto carino da abbinare: Borsetta da sera in maglia di metallo smaltata (Whiting&Davis, 1940')

Ganz süss dazu: Abendtasche aus emaillierten Metallplättchen (Whiting&Davis, 1940')

1920' style:  this is the version I prefer (....but would have to be slimmer...)

Stile anni '20: questo e la versione che mi piace di più (ma non perdona neanche un etto di troppo sui fianchi, figuriamoci tutti i chili che ho preso recentemente....)

20er-Jahre Styling: Diese Version gefällt mir persönlich am besten (habe aber dafür zuviel zugenommen in der letzten Zeit...)

And for an evening at the restaurant: Suede jacket bavarian style

Per una sera al ristorante: Giacca di camoscio stile bavarese

Und für einen Abend im Restaurant: Trachtenjacke aus Wildleder


skirt/Rock/gonna - Albino Moretti
green bouclé fabric jacket/grüne Jacke aus Bouclé-Stoff/giacca verde - Rena Lange
off white-gold jacket/beige-goldene Jacke/giacca oro-avorio - Mila Schön
mesh bag/Tasche aus Metallplättchen/borsa in maglia di metallo - Whiting&Davis

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Wohltätigkeitsflohmärkte in Mailand - Teil 2

Heute ein rascher Post über einige Stücke, die ich auf den letzten Flohmärkten gekauft habe. Die Pullover könnten - zumindest scheint es mir so :) - alle aus der heurigen Wintersaison stammen.
Dieses Jahr erspare ich mir wirklich, neue warme Pullis zu kaufen (.....wenn's wahr ist, der Winterschlussverkauf steht ja noch bevor.....)

Falls jemand in den nächsten Tagen nach Mailand kommt: bis zum 20.12.2014 ist noch Flohmarkt bei der Fondazione ARCHÉ Onlus (kümmert sich um Mütter und Kinder in Schwierigkeiten) in
Corso Garibaldi 118  - ist ganz in der Nähe von Corso Como und der neuen Città della Moda

Ralph Lauren Sport

tèr de caractère

Malo Kaschmir - besonders lang

Twin Set

Bodenlanger Kilt / Laird-Portch of Scotland

Unter anderem: Ascot Krawatte aus den 50ern in Chenille-Stoff in Breitschwanz-Imitation / Schalkragen aus Glasperlen und Pailletten (1960')


Material zum Anfertigen von Halsketten etc.

MUTZO mag aber keine Flöhe !!!  ;-)

Thursday, 11 December 2014

MILAN Charity Flea Markets part 2

Today a quick post to show you some more of the pieces I found recently.
There are still one or two open in December, and today I visited another one.

It is by Fondazione ARCHÉ Onlus, which cares for mothers and children in difficult family situations.  It will be open until Dec. 20   -  in Corso Garibaldi 118, Milano.

Of course I managed to find lots of things ;-), which I will show you in later posts.


Here some large sweaters, as they go very strong this season, apart from being super practical and warm.
The only real Vintage is the red  m a l o  one, but I don't mind buying just used ones, as long as they are of quality and I like them. And this way I avoided having to buy new ones this winter (let's check if this is true after the January sales.........)

Ralph Lauren Sport nordic style

tèr de caractère

m a l o  cashmere oversize

Twin-Set trapeze

Floor length Kilt by Laird-Portch of Scotland

Among others: 50' Ascot style tie in chenille fabric imitating persian lamb / 60' shawl collar of seed beads and paillettes


Material for jewelry making

Mutzo doesn't like any kind of fleas........

Saturday, 6 December 2014

Radial pleated skirt - other variations English / Deutsch / Italiano

Preparing for the pictures of my last post I couldn't help choosing some other items I thought would look nice with the  pleated skirt, because in spite of the checkered pattern it is easy to style and goes with almost everything in any shade of brown.

Während der Suche nach den Oberteilen für den letzten Post habe ich viele gefunden, die zum Sonnenplisse - Rock passen, denn trotz des Karo - Musters sieht er mit fast allen beigen und braunen Sachen nett aus.

Cercando il materiale per l'ultimo post mi e venuta voglia di provare altre combinazioni, perché la gonna plissettata va bene con quasi tutti i golf nelle tonalità del marrone, e anche con altri disegni.

Ivory wool cardigan by Hettabretz, with mink collar and inserts, bought on one of the November charity flea markets. It comes with a sleeveless jumper in the same design - think I will try to make a bag out of it, wearing both together simply is too much! The early 80' silk scarf is by Grès.

Dressed like this I could go to an afternoon tea appointment - anybody ever had one??? ;-)

Hellbeige Strickweste mit Nerzstreifen und -Kragen, von Hettabretz. Dazu gibt's noch einen Pullunder im selben Muster, aus dem ich versuchen werde, eine Beuteltasche zu machen. Weste + Darunter zusammen  sind einfach zuviel! Seidentuch von Grès, ca. 1981

Outfit für den Nachmittagstee ...... hmmm, naja.....

Cardigan di maglia con inserti e collo di visone, comprato in uno dei mercatini di beneficenza di Novembre. C'é anche un golf senza maniche nello stesso disegno, ma credo che proverò farne una borsa, perché tutti e due insieme fanno carnevale. O potrei andare al tè delle cinque - ma chi ha il tempo! :lol

Il foulard é di Grès - il mio primo 'vero' foulard di tanti tanti anni fa.  Me l'ha comprato il mio capo di allora in aereo, per scusarsi di avermi trattato male prima.  E immaginate, in questi tempi si vendevano anche i foulard di Hermès in aereo, ma io ho scelto questo, perché ha su una coccinella ......... (però pazienza,  mi piace ancora!!)

Indonesian (Sumatra, Toba Batak Culture) carved brown jadeite pendant picturing a water serpent

Indonesischer Anhänger in Form einer Seeschlange aus braunem Jadeit (Sumatra, Toba Batak Kultur)

Pendente di giadeite marrone  a forma di serpente di mare (Sumatra, cultura Toba Batak)

Bag  /  Tasche  /  borsa   Max Mara

Peep toes Lerre

Closer look at the heels of the shoes (bought them 4 or 5 years ago)
Sterling silver bracelet with fossil ivory plaque (russian ivory, carved in china - contemporary Netsuke)

Hier sieht man den Absatz der Schuhe etwas genauer (vor ca.4-5 Jahren gekauft, immer wieder verwendet - wenn auch nicht sehr oft, da sie für Alltagsschuhe schon sehr hoch sind)
Silberarmreif mit einer in China geschnitzten Plakette aus russischem Mammut - Elfenbein.

Ho comprato queste peep toes con cinturino ca.4/5 anni fa, sono sempre belli, hanno un plateau di giusto giusto un centimetro che praticamente non si vede,  con una striscia di metallo sul tacco. Dureranno altri 5 anni, perché sono troppo alti per me per usarli spesso.
Il bracciale é d'argento, fatto in Italia, con placca di avorio fossile siberiana, intagliato in Cina a forma di Netsuke - bel mix contemporaneo di culture, direi......

Here the skirt with a 1960' Gucci monogrammed cashmere/silk turtleneck

Dieser Rollkragenpulli mit Gucci-Monogramm (1960) passt in der Farbe genau zu den Streifen des Rocks (auf dem Foto ist er etwas zu gelb geraten)

Dolcevita con monogramma di Gucci (1960) negli stessi colori della gonna

This sweater comes with a sleeveless jumper, too.  The real color is somewhere in-between the two pictures.

Auch hier gibt es einen Pullunder im gleichen Muster.

Anche qui c'é und golf senza maniche, da portare sopra. Il vero colore é un mix tra le due foto, un caffellatte caldo.

Jacket of shorn shearling, 1950'

Hier mit geblümtem Pulli und geschorener Schaffell - Jacke aus den 50er-Jahren

Qui ancora la foto del vecchio post, con un golf in disegno floreale. La giacca e un montone rasato  con i peli fuori come si portava negli anni '50.